Saturday, September 1, 2012

Ancient Wisdom 1.1

The mind...
It is usually dull, like a water buffalo or distracted like, a monkey.  In either of these states, its not especially useful!  In fact, mine can be down-right abusive.  That's when I have remind myself of the wisdom I found on a bumper sticker, "Don't believe everything you think".

Yet on occasion, I'll glimpse another state of mind - one that is clear and sharp.  It is discerning and wise.  The yogis called it one-pointed, and it is the place from which greater understanding and wisdom eventual comes.

Yoga scholars, those with more certificates than I, claim that we live in 5 states of mind: disturbed, dull, distracted, one-pointed and mastered.  Most of us fit into one of the first three state (as if that is a surprise to anyone who has sat down to meditate.)

For years, I chastised myself for not being more clear and one-pointed.  But recently, I began to understand there is no judgement in these labels.  In fact they are really powerful and helpful tools to let me know where to begin on any given day.  I need to know if my mind is disturbed, because the set of practices I do will be different than if my mind was merely distracted.  It's like if I was trying to get to Charleston, I wouldn't want my GPS to give me directions from Wisconsin if I was coming from Asheville.  They wouldn't be helpful.

It is the same with Yoga.  I'm not going to do long inhales if what I need is long exhales.  I need to be honest about where I am, so I know where to begin.   

Patanjali's Yoga Sutra 1:1 says "Now, after having done prior preparation through life and other practices, the study and practice of Yoga begins."

This is the beginning of the science of yoga.  It start with a little self honesty, some simple preparations for the mind to be more stable, and the willingness and desire to truly know thyself.   This is when the fun REALLY begins!

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